化学原料 - 溶剂

You are in section: 化学原料 - 溶剂
In total positions:44
NameЕд.CAS номерГОСТPrice
Agar-agar kg
Agarose kg
Bacto agar kg
Baird Parker Agar kg
Basic agar kg
Beef peptone kg
Bismuth sulfit agar kg
Christensen's citrate agar kg
Culture medium for C.diphtheriae isolation (Buchina medium) kg
Culture Medium for environmental sampling (Kessler medium) kg
Culture medium for preliminary identification of Enterobacteria (Kligler agar) kg
Culture Medium №1 (for bacteria cultivating) kg
Culture Medium №10 (for staphylococcus identification) kg
Culture Medium №11 (Lactose Broth for preenrichment growth of Enterobacteria) kg
Culture Medium №13 (Triple Sugar Agar) kg
Culture Medium №15 (Trypthofan Broth) kg
Culture Medium №3 (for enterobacteria enrichment) kg
Culture Medium №6 (for detection of glucose fermentation) kg
Culture Medium №8 ( for detection of Cl.perfringens and Staphylococci) kg
Culture Medium №9 (for detection of Pyocyanin) kg
Culture Medium№7 (for reduction nitrates and nitrites) kg
Endo agar kg
Glucose-phosphatic broth of Clarke kg
Gummi Arabisch kg
Hottinger agar kg
Hyss medium with glucose and bromcresol purple indicator kg
Hyss medium with lactose and bromcresol purple indicator kg
Levin's medium with methylene-blue eosin dry kg
Medium CCA (nutritious medium to extract whooping cough microbe dry); kg
Nutrient agar (SPA) kg
Nutritious broth for cultivation of microorganisms kg
Nutritious medium for extracting of streptococci kg
Peptone basic for accumulation of choleraic vibrio kg
Peptone fermentative kg
Phenylalanine agar kg
Ploskirev bacto agar kg
Polymyxin salt medium kg
Ressel mediumkg
Sabouraud agar kg
Salt agar kg
Salt broth kg
Selenite broth kg
Simmons citrate agar kg
Thioglycolat medium for detecting microorganisms in sterile medicines kg
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化学原料与化学试剂的综合供应。 我们只和法人做生意!!! 我们公司的基本经营范围是为了实验室研究和工业的化学试剂销售。

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E-mail: info@taurus-plus.ru RockaBilly
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